7:30 Registration
8:00 Continental Breakfast
9:00 Keynote
Research in the Acquisition Pipeline, David
10:00 Session #1: Extraction and Markup of Genealogical Data
Chair: Daniel Zappala
Family History Technology: A Survey of Ten Hard Problems, Doran Wilde, Brigham Young UniversityPaperPresentation
Gapp: An Image Capture Application For The Google Glass Framework, Oliver Nina, University of Central FloridaPaperPresentation
Intelligent Indexing: A Semi-Automated, Trainable System for Field Labeling, Robert Clawson and William Barrett, Brigham Young UniversityPaperPresentation
Intelligent Pen: A Least-Cost Search for Tracing of Handwriting, Kevin Bauer, Brigham Young UniversityPaperPresentation
11:00 Session #2: Visualization
Chair: Tom Sederberg
Visualizing Big Data for the Genealogist, Katie Chapman, Pentandra Research Solutions
A Family-Centric Genealogy Visualization Paradigm, Robert Ball and David Cook, Stephen F. Austin State UniversityPaperPresentation
Interactive Folding Fan Charts: Improving User Efficiency through Seamless Fusion of Multiple Levels of Detail, Douglas J. Kennard, Historic Journals LLCPaperPresentation
12:00 Lunch
Family Tree Rhapsody Video
12:45 Demo and Poster Session
Kinpoint, Charles Knutson, Brigham Young University
KinpointInteractive Folding Fan Charts on the Historic Journals Website, Doug Kennard, Historic Journals, LLC
Historic Journals
Relative Finder, Sam Sieber, William Barrett and Tom Sederberg, Brigham Young University
Intelligent Pen: A Least-Cost Search for Tracing of Handwriting, Kevin Bauer and William Barrett, Brigham Young University
FamilyFound: Accessible Family History Research, Jared Forsyth, Brigham Young University
Find-A-Record, Justin York and John Clark
Cycle Sharing for Genealogy, Peter Ivie and Evan IviePresentation
Virtual Pedigree—Genealogy Without Borders, Curtis Wigington and Ryan Cheatham, Brigham Young UniversityPaperPresentation
One Page Genealogy: Affordable Portable Pedigree (The Killer APP), Jason Rasmussen
Streamlining the Genealogy User Experience, Patrick Brown and Robert BallPresentation
1:30 Session #3: Data Storage and Modeling
Chair: Randy Wilson
Retrieving a Sorted List of Thousands of Closest Relatives from FamilySearch Family Tree in Seconds using NoSQL, Ben Baker, FamilySearchPaperPresentation
Research Cases: An Alternative Approach to Genealogical Research Collaboration, Chris Chapman
A Superstructure for Organizing Family History Information, David W. Embley and Scott N. Woodfield, Brigham Young UniversityPaperPresentation
Finding Genealogy Facts with Linguistic Analysis, Peter Lindes, Deryle Lonsdale, David Embley, Brigham Young UniversityPaperPresentation
2:30 Break
3:00 Session #4: Improving the User Experience
Chair: Doug Kennard
Relative Finder, Sam Sieber and Tom Sederberg, Brigham Young UniversityPaperPresentation
The Heart of Genealogy, Robert Ivie, Peter Ivie, and Evan IviePaperPresentation
Virtual Pedigree—Genealogy Without Borders, Ryan Cheatham, Curtis Wigington, William Barrett, Brigham Young UniversityPaperPresentation
4:00 Closing Remarks
William Barrett, Brigham Young University