7:30 Registration
8:00 Continental Breakfast
9:00 Invited Speaker
Amy Harris, Brigham Young University
A Genealogist’s Technological Wish List: Teaching, Filtering, and Mapping
Amy Harris is an associate professor of history at BYU and an accredited genealogist. Her research interests focus on families, women, and gender in early modern Britain. She is particularly interested in the way family and social relationships inform one another. Her first book, Siblinghood and Social Relations in Georgian England: Share and Share Alike (2012) used both historical and genealogical methods to explore sibling relationships and their connections to political and social ideas of equality. Her most recent publication, Family Life in England and America, 1690-1820, a four-volume, co-edited collection of transcribed and annotated primary sources, was published in August 2015. All of her work combines historical and genealogical methodologies. Prof. Harris teaches European history, beginner and advanced genealogy courses, and women’s studies. She currently serves as the director of the Family History Program at BYU.
10:00 Lightning Talks: What’s Your Problem?
Dallan Quass: Tree QualityPresentation
Mark Clement: Duplicate RemovalPresentation
James Tanner: Data Transfer
Heath Nielson: Data Extraction from Historical DocumentsPresentation
Scott Woodfield: I Have No Control over My Own InformationPresentation
10:25 Lightning Talks: What’s Your Tech?
Wesley Eames, AncestorCloud
Corey Spray, Story Tags
James Tanner, The Family History Guide
Laura Stevens, GozeVideoPresentation
Kirsten Wright, Kid Chatteroo
Todd Webb, KnowtIt
Scott Halversen, Studio by Legacy RepublicPresentation
Mark Jones, TimsentPresentation
Chris Cummings, Pass It Down
Steve Mineer, WiithuPresentation
Cory Hansen, My Legacy My Story
Joshua Mathias, Grandma’s PiePresentation
Kevin King, Wheel of Fortune
Justin Rasband and Tom Sederberg, One Page Genealogy
11:30 Demos and Networking
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Developer Session
Trepo: Open Source Genealogy API, John Clark (Software Developer and Entrepreneur)Presentation
Privacy and Security in TapGenes, Diana Massey (TapGenes)Presentation
Explorations in a Family History Person Quality/Completeness Metric, Ben Baker (FamilySearch)Presentation
Visualizing Time, Space, and Genealogy Sets with Maps, Robert Ball (Weber State University)PaperPresentation
Aligning Record Collections: Long-lived URLs and what we go through to preserve them, Randy Wilson (FamilySearch)
2:30 Break
2:45 Academic Session
Genealogical Indexing of Obituaries Using Automatic Processes, Patrick Schone and Jake Gehring (FamilySearch)Paper
“Sanity Checks” over Auto-Extracted Family-History Data, Scott N. Woodfield, David W. Embley, Stephen W. Liddle and Christopher Almquist (Brigham Young University)Paper
Flexible Computer Assisted Transcription of Historical Documents Through Subword Spotting, Brian Davis, Robert Clawson and William Barrett (Brigham Young University)PaperPresentation
3:45 Break
4:00 Academic Session
Efficient Binarization for Historical Document Analysis, Florian Westphal, Hakan Grahn and Niklas Lavesson (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden)PaperPresentation
Parallelized Connectionist Temporal Classification for Offline Handwritten Text Recognition, Oliver Nina (University of Central Florida)PaperVideo
Improved Consensus Path in Intelligent Pen, Curtis Wigington and William Barrett (Brigham Young University)Presentation